martes, 12 de abril de 2016

ENTREPRENEURSHIP- Work ethic 12/04/16

  • "My producer is a bully and hiring like-minded people. Ethics is becoming a question in my organization.”i would talk with him about his negative attitude that is affecting the work environment. It is really important that he understands the importance of becoming an essential part of the company, giving ideas, and also leaving others do it. Attitude define who you are so its necessary to work on it.
  • “I find few employees of my organization, disclosing confidential client data to our competitors.” i would make a meeting to discuss the importance of having a sense of belonging because its really disturbing that they are harming the company in that way. Those actions are unacceptable, they should ensure the welfare of the enterprise.
  • “Should the performance feedback session follow a corrective or punitive approach?”The performance feedback session should follow a corrective approach, usually, managers and employees share a common disgust for corrective action, because they don't always contain the positive aspect that motivate them. Nevertheless, its important to discuss about the attitudes that are affecting the efficient growth of the company, because this would help to improve this situations.
  • How do you train your employees to be ethical to one and all, whether in the professional realm or personal?
  • Mainly, they have to be loyal to the company, responsible and effective with his daily work and humbles with their 
  • Ethics that the organiation has to maintain: honesty, integrity, transparency, confidentiality, objectivity and respectfulness
  • New hires, are really important, the company has to train their newest team members. But also, employees need to cause a good impression. Without this terms, there is going to be disagreements, that are going to decrese the productivity of the enterprise.
  • Ethics depends on situation? No, ethics is part of who you are, you have it or you dont. For that reason i think, that being an ethical person depends of education and the values that families inculcate to their children. The situations only give you the capacity of handle things in our lifes.

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